Over the last year, Tredit Tire & Wheel reported a total of 110 shipments, becoming the number 167 importer in 2025. Compared to the previous year's 1.59k shipments, this represents a decrease of -1.48k or -0.93%.
The most common origins of shipments for Tredit Tire & Wheel were China (848), India (260), Thailand (234), Vietnam (225), and South Korea (51). This highlights the geographical diversity of its sourcing strategy.
The main shippers to Tredit Tire & Wheel were Tianjin Wanda Tyre Group Co Ltd (45), Other (32), Steel Strips Wheels Ltd (9), Deestone Corp (8), and General Rubber Thailand Co Ltd (5), indicating the key logistics partners in its supply chain.
The top products imported by Tredit Tire & Wheel were Unvulcanised Rubber Products (28), Bi-Wheel Vehicle Parts (28), Trailers and semi-trailers, not mechanically propelled vehicles (26), Hydraulic Turbines (7), and Hot-Rolled Iron (5), showcasing the variety in its import portfolio.