Overview This page contains the latest international trade data for Kanagawa. In November 2024 Kanagawa was the number 4 in total exports and the number 5 in total imports in Japan.
Exports In 2023, Japan's Kanagawa exported ¥ 9.56T, making it the 4th largest exporter out of the 41 exporters in Japan. In 2023 the top exports of Kanagawa were Medium Sized Cars (¥ 852B), Diesel Trucks 5-20 tonnes (¥ 511B), Commodities not specified according to kind (¥ 460B), Shovels and excavators with revolving superstructure (¥ 236B), and Electric motor Vehicles (¥ 183B).
Imports In 2023, Japan's Kanagawa imported ¥ 10.7T, making it the 5th largest importer out of the 41 importers in Japan. In 2023 top imports of Kanagawa were Liquefied Natural Gas (¥ 1.12T), Crude Petroleum Oils (¥ 1.08T), Petroleum spirit for motor vehicles (¥ 264B), Bituminous coal, not agglomerated (¥ 150B), and Lithium-Ion Batteries (¥ 145B).
Economic Complexity In 2023, the highest complexity exports of Kanagawa according to the product complexity index (PCI) are Photographic Chemicals (2.56), Metalworking Transfer Machines (2.07), Rolling Machines (2.03), Photo Lab Equipment (2.01), Machinery Having Individual Functions (1.99), Non-optical Microscopes (1.87), Interchangeable Tool Parts (1.86), Rubberworking Machinery (1.8), Iron Chains (1.78), and Metal Pickling Preparations (1.77). PCI measures the knowledge intensity of a product by considering the knowledge intensity of its exporters.