Overview This page contains the latest international trade data for Salamanca. In December 2024 Salamanca was the number 41 in total exports and the number 34 in total imports in Spain.
Exports In 2024, Spain's Salamanca exported €1.13B, making it the 41st largest exporter out of the 52 exporters in Spain. In 2024 the top exports of Salamanca were Fuel elements non-irradiated, for nuclear reactors (€259M), Veterinary vaccines and similar products (€161M), New Rubber Pneumatic Tyres for Motor... (€66.2M), Other Frozen Pork Cuts (€42.2M), and Fresh/Chilled Beef (Whole & Halves) (€42.1M).
Imports In 2024, Spain's Salamanca imported €1.09B, making it the 34th largest importer out of the 52 importers in Spain. In 2024 top imports of Salamanca were Uranium (enriched U235), plutonium compounds, alloys (€799M), Veterinary vaccines and similar products (€97.7M), New Rubber Pneumatic Tyres for Motor... (€85.3M), Medicaments in Dosage (n.e.s.) (€33.6M), and Chem wood pulp, soda/sulphate, non-conifer, bleached (€25.1M).
Economic Complexity In 2024, the highest complexity exports of Salamanca according to the product complexity index (PCI) are Ball Bearings (1.37), Wrenches (1.35), Vaccines, blood, antisera, toxins and cultures (1.34), Liquid Dispersing Machines (1.07), Compounded Unvulcanised Rubber (1.02), Other Glass Articles (0.94), Vending Machines (0.91), Laboratory Reagents (0.85), Electrical Transformers (0.85), and Base Metal Watches (0.84). PCI measures the knowledge intensity of a product by considering the knowledge intensity of its exporters.