Overview This page contains the latest international trade data for Granada. In October 2024 Granada was the number 37 in total exports and the number 33 in total imports in Spain.
Exports In 2023, Spain's Granada exported €1.59B, making it the 37th largest exporter out of the 52 exporters in Spain. In 2023 the top exports of Granada were Tomatoes (Fresh/Chilled) (€150M), Extra virgin olive oil (€148M), Food preparations nes (€144M), Cucumbers & Gherkins (Fresh/Chilled) (€92.8M), and Asparagus (Fresh/Chilled) (€57.6M).
Imports In 2023, Spain's Granada imported €1.3B, making it the 33rd largest importer out of the 52 importers in Spain. In 2023 top imports of Granada were Light petroleum distillates nes (€143M), Extra virgin olive oil (€54.7M), Photosensitive devices; assembled photovoltaic modules/panels (€47.3M), New Rubber Pneumatic Tyres for Motor... (€28.7M), and Asparagus (Fresh/Chilled) (€26.6M).
Economic Complexity In 2023, the highest complexity exports of Granada according to the product complexity index (PCI) are Ketones and Quinones (1.43), Laboratory Reagents (1.31), Stone Working Machines (1.15), Saturated Acyclic Monocarboxylic Acids (0.98), Compounded Unvulcanised Rubber (0.9), Cyclic Alcohols (0.81), Carboxylic Acids (0.76), Kaolin Coated Paper (0.69), Glands and Other Organs (0.66), and Iron Toiletry (0.54). PCI measures the knowledge intensity of a product by considering the knowledge intensity of its exporters.