Overview In October 2024 Hamburg exported €4.83B and imported €6.89B, resulting in a negative trade balance of €2.06B. Between October 2023 and October 2024 the exports of Hamburg have increased by $17.2M (0.36%) from €4.82B to €4.83B, while imports increased by €659M (10.6%) from €6.24B to €6.89B.
Trade In October 2024, the top exports of Hamburg were Aircraft (€2.3B), Mineral oil products (€348M), Gold for industrial purposes (€223M), Semi-finished products of copper and copper... (€110M), and Estimations for non-response (€108M). In October 2024 the top imports of Hamburg were Aircraft (€985M), Mineral oil products (€530M), Office and automatic data processing machines (€305M), Estimations for non-response (€245M), and Copper ores (€196M).
Destinations In October 2024, Hamburg exported mostly to China (€517M), France (€483M), United Kingdom (€482M), United States (€381M), and Turkey (€265M), and imported mostly from United States (€1.02B), China (€900M), France (€827M), Netherlands (€484M), and Poland (€258M).
Growth In October 2024, the increase in Hamburg's year-by-year exports was explained primarily by an increase in exports to France (€286M or 145%), China (€214M or 70.5%), and Italy (€92.4M or 83.4%), and product exports increase in Gold for industrial purposes (€220M or 7.27k%), Cocoa and cocoa products (€55.9M or 255%), and Estimations for non-response (€50.7M or 88%). In October 2024, the increase in Hamburg's year-by-year imports was explained primarily by an increase in imports from France (€448M or 118%), China (€116M or 14.9%), and Bulgaria (€105M or 135%), and product imports increase in Aircraft (€321M or 48.4%), Ships and boats (€112M or 12.6k%), and Coffee (€89.2M or 84%).