Overview This page contains the latest trade data of Preserved Fish Livers and Roes (Dried, Smoked, Salted, Brined). In 2023, Preserved Fish Livers and Roes (Dried, Smoked, Salted, Brined) were the world's 3506th most traded product, with a total trade of $247M. Between 2022 and 2023 the exports of Preserved Fish Livers and Roes (Dried, Smoked, Salted, Brined) decreased by -12.9%, from $284M to $247M. Trade in Preserved Fish Livers and Roes (Dried, Smoked, Salted, Brined) represent 0.0011% of total world trade.
Preserved Fish Livers and Roes (Dried, Smoked, Salted, Brined) are a part of Dried/Salted/Smoked/Brined Fish.
Exports In 2023 the top exporters of Preserved Fish Livers and Roes (Dried, Smoked, Salted, Brined) were United States ($42.2M), Peru ($35.3M), Indonesia ($33.1M), Denmark ($18.9M), and Canada ($15.7M).
Imports In 2023 the top importers of Preserved Fish Livers and Roes (Dried, Smoked, Salted, Brined) were Japan ($111M), China ($31.9M), Germany ($15.7M), Sweden ($11.1M), and Denmark ($8.18M).
Ranking Preserved Fish Livers and Roes (Dried, Smoked, Salted, Brined) ranks 3569th in the Product Complexity Index (PCI).