This map shows whether countries import more from Belize or Burundi. Each country is colored based on the difference in imports they receive from Belize and Burundi or the difference in the growth in imports.
Difference in imports from Burundi () and Belize () (2022)
Comparative Advantage Belize - Burundi
This chart compares trade between Belize and Burundi by product, considering products traded by both, Belize and Burundi.
During 2021, Belize had a large net trade with Burundi in the exports of .
Economic Complexity
Competitive Landscape
This visualization shows the product space at the HS4 level with the flags of Belize and Burundi. This means that a dot/product with the flag of Belize indicates it has a comparative advantage over Burundi. Similarly, a dot/product with the flag of Burundi indicates it has a comparative advantage over Belize.