Overview This page contains the latest trade data of Skipjack/Stripe-Belly Bonito (Fresh/Chilled). In 2022, Skipjack/Stripe-Belly Bonito (Fresh/Chilled) were the world's 4520th most traded product, with a total trade of $11.4M.
Skipjack/Stripe-Belly Bonito (Fresh/Chilled) are a part of Non-fillet Fresh Fish.
Exports In 2022 the top exporters of Skipjack/Stripe-Belly Bonito (Fresh/Chilled) were Sri Lanka ($3.14M), Spain ($2.27M), China ($1.37M), Japan ($1.04M), and Italy ($492k).
Imports In 2022 the top importers of Skipjack/Stripe-Belly Bonito (Fresh/Chilled) were United States ($3.26M), France ($1.51M), Fiji ($1.37M), Italy ($809k), and Singapore ($750k).
Ranking Skipjack/Stripe-Belly Bonito (Fresh/Chilled) ranks 4622nd in the Product Complexity Index (PCI).