Overview This page contains the latest trade data of Other Rubber Footwear (over ankle). In 2023, Other Rubber Footwear (over ankle) were the world's 615th most traded product, with a total trade of $5.94B. Between 2022 and 2023 the exports of Other Rubber Footwear (over ankle) decreased by -13.1%, from $6.83B to $5.94B. Trade in Other Rubber Footwear (over ankle) represent 0.026% of total world trade.
Other Rubber Footwear (over ankle) are a part of Rubber Footwear.
Exports In 2023 the top exporters of Other Rubber Footwear (over ankle) were China ($3.5B), Vietnam ($585M), Germany ($306M), Italy ($159M), and Poland ($127M).
Imports In 2023 the top importers of Other Rubber Footwear (over ankle) were United States ($935M), Germany ($683M), Russia ($502M), Poland ($361M), and France ($253M).
Ranking Other Rubber Footwear (over ankle) ranks 3935th in the Product Complexity Index (PCI).
Description Boots are boots that cover the foot and extend up to the ankle. They are typically made of leather, rubber, or plastic. Rubber or plastic boots are often worn over the ankle to keep the feet dry and warm as they are waterproof and resist dampness. Leather boots are often made of cow or goat skin and are worn to keep the feet warm and dry. The soles and uppers of the boot are often made of rubber or plastic and are often designed to be waterproof or resistant to the dampness.