Overview This page contains the latest trade data of Equipment for automatic development of photo film. In 2023, Equipment for automatic development of photo film were the world's 4377th most traded product, with a total trade of $37.1M. Between 2022 and 2023 the exports of Equipment for automatic development of photo film decreased by -8.64%, from $40.6M to $37.1M. Trade in Equipment for automatic development of photo film represent 0.00016% of total world trade.
Equipment for automatic development of photo film are a part of Photo Lab Equipment.
Exports In 2023 the top exporters of Equipment for automatic development of photo film were Germany ($7.33M), China ($4.78M), United States ($4.53M), Japan ($4.09M), and Austria ($2.7M).
Imports In 2023 the top importers of Equipment for automatic development of photo film were United States ($5.42M), Germany ($4.27M), Liberia ($2.18M), China ($1.99M), and Spain ($1.7M).
Ranking Equipment for automatic development of photo film ranks 1307th in the Product Complexity Index (PCI).
Description The components of an automatic photo film developing system are the developing machine, a developer, and a stop bath. The developing machine is a large, enclosed machine that holds the developer and stop bath, and has a roll of photo film built into the lower part of the machine. The film is loaded into the machine, and the machine is turned on. The machine then sucks the film through and out of the machine at a constant speed, while the developer and stop bath are pumped in, and the whole process takes about four minutes. The machine then ejects the film and it is done.