Classification 44233 for Standard International Trade Classification (SITC).


Overview N/A

Synthetic rubber latex; synthetic rubber and reclaimed rubber; waste and scrap of unhardened rubber are a part of Crude rubber (including synthetic and reclaimed). They include Synthetic Rubber.

Exports In 2018 the top exporters of Synthetic rubber latex; synthetic rubber and reclaimed rubber; waste and scrap of unhardened rubber  were N/A.

Imports In 2018 the top importers of Synthetic rubber latex; synthetic rubber and reclaimed rubber; waste and scrap of unhardened rubber were N/A.

Historical Data

Exporters and Importers

In 2018 Synthetic rubber latex; synthetic rubber and reclaimed rubber; waste and scrap of unhardened rubber were the world's 300th most traded product (out of 403).

Explore Visualizations

Exporters of Synthetic rubber latex; synthetic rubber and reclaimed rubber; waste and scrap of unhardened rubber (2018)
[Click to Select a Country]

Importers of Synthetic rubber latex; synthetic rubber and reclaimed rubber; waste and scrap of unhardened rubber (2018)
[Click to Select a Country]

Market Dynamics

Top Destination Growth (2017 -  2018)undefined$714k

Between 2017 and 2018, the fastest growing importers of Synthetic rubber latex; synthetic rubber and reclaimed rubber; waste and scrap of unhardened rubber were undefined ($714k).

Explore Visualizations

Exporters of Synthetic rubber latex; synthetic rubber and reclaimed rubber; waste and scrap of unhardened rubber (2017 - 2018)

Importers of Synthetic rubber latex; synthetic rubber and reclaimed rubber; waste and scrap of unhardened rubber (2017 - 2018)

Market Concentration


This chart shows the evolution of the market concentration of exports of Synthetic rubber latex; synthetic rubber and reclaimed rubber; waste and scrap of unhardened rubber.

Explore Visualizations

Value of Exports in Synthetic rubber latex; synthetic rubber and reclaimed rubber; waste and scrap of unhardened rubber

Net Trade

This map shows which countries export or import more of Synthetic rubber latex; synthetic rubber and reclaimed rubber; waste and scrap of unhardened rubber. Each country is colored based on the difference in exports and imports of Synthetic rubber latex; synthetic rubber and reclaimed rubber; waste and scrap of unhardened rubber during 2018.

Net Trade (2018)

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