Community of Sahel-Saharan States

Exports (2023)$355B
Imports (2023)$443B
Main Exporter (2023)Nigeria $61B
Main Importer (2023)Egypt$88.2B
Internal Trade (2023)7.77%of total trade


Overview CEN-SAD (Community of Sahel-Saharan States) is a Trade Bloc composed by Nigeria, Egypt, Morocco, Libya, Ghana, Tunisia, Cote d'Ivoire, Guinea, Kenya, Burkina Faso, Mali, Togo, Senegal, Sudan, Mauritania, Chad, Djibouti, Gambia, Liberia, Benin, Niger, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Eritrea, Central African Republic, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Comoros, and Sao Tome and Principe. In 2023, CEN-SAD exported $355B (1.57% of global exports) and imported $443B (1.96% of global imports). Its largest exporter, Nigeria exported $61B, which corresponds to 17.2% of the total exports. On the other hand, the largest importer, Egypt, imported $88.2B, which is 19.9% of the total imports of Community of Sahel-Saharan States.

Trade In 2023, CEN-SAD's most exported products were Crude Petroleum Oils ($88.5B), Unwrought Non-Monetary Gold ($43.9B), Semi-Manufactured Non-Monetary Gold ($14.1B), Bituminous Petroleum Distillates (Excl. Crude) ($12.9B), and Liquefied Natural Gas ($10.1B). The same year, the most imported products were Bituminous Petroleum Distillates (Excl. Crude) ($67B), Tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles ($9.33B), Cargo Vessels (Excl. Tankers & Refrigerated) ($9.25B), Crude Petroleum Oils ($6.44B), and Durum wheat ($5.84B).

Partners In 2023, CEN-SAD's exports went primarly to United Arab Emirates ($34.4B), France ($24.7B), Spain ($22.8B), Switzerland ($22.1B), and China ($21.8B). The same year, CEN-SAD's imported primarily from China ($87.6B), India ($25.8B), United States ($20.5B), France ($19.4B), and United Arab Emirates ($17.7B).

Historical Data

Organization Composition


The following section shows the trade patterns over time for all the countries that comprise the organization, using historical dataset.

Yearly Exports of CEN-SAD

Internal Trade


Internal Trade includes all trade between the countries that comprise this organization.

In 2023, the top internal exports of CEN-SAD were Refined Petroleum ($4.14B), Crude Petroleum ($3.29B), Cement ($1.19B), Mixed Mineral or Chemical Fertilizers ($1.07B), and Electricity ($690M).

The same year, the principal destinations of internal exports were Cote d'Ivoire ($4.17B), Mali ($3.65B), Libya ($2.72B), Burkina Faso ($2.06B), and Senegal ($1.94B).

Internal Exports (2021)
[Click to Select a Product]

Internal Destinations (2021)
[Click to Select a Country]

External Trade


External trade includes all world trade excluding the countries that comprise this organization.

In 2023, the top external exports of CEN-SAD were United Arab Emirates ($34.4B), France ($24.7B), Spain ($22.8B), Switzerland ($22.1B), and China ($21.8B).

The same year, the principal destinations of external exports were Crude Petroleum ($85.2B), Gold ($58B), Petroleum Gas ($13.1B), Insulated Wire ($9.57B), and Refined Petroleum ($8.75B).

External Exports (2021)
[Click to Select a Product]

External Destinations (2021)
[Click to Select a Country]

Total Trade

Top Export (2023)Crude Petroleum$88.5B
Top Destination (2023)United Arab Emirates$34.4B

In 2023, CEN-SAD exported a total of $355B. During the last five reported years the exports of CEN-SAD have changed by $80.7B from $274B in 2018 to $355B in 2023.

The most recent exports are led by Crude Petroleum ($88.5B), Gold ($58.1B), Petroleum Gas ($13.3B), Refined Petroleum ($12.9B), and Insulated Wire ($9.82B). The most common destination for the exports of CEN-SAD are United Arab Emirates ($34.4B), France ($24.7B), Spain ($22.8B), Switzerland ($22.1B), and China ($21.8B).

Exports (2021)
[Click to Select a Product]

Destinations (2021)
[Click to Select a Country]

Largest Export by Country


The following visualization shows the principal export per country, the product which has grown the most over the past 5 years or the product in which the country has a higher level of specialization, measured by the RCA Index.

Biggest export by country (2021)

Trade between organizations


This visualization show trade between international organizations. The default selection shows the trade with the rest of the world.

Exports (2021)

Destinations (2021)

Economic Complexity

Complexity and Country Indicators


This visualization compares the Economic Complexity Index (ECI) with different indicators about country development such as GDP per capita or Inflation. For more information about ECI, check the Methods page.

In 2023, the countries with higher complexity that belong to Community of Sahel-Saharan States were Tunisia (0.12), Egypt (-0.14), Morocco (-0.36), Benin (-0.38), and Kenya (-0.49).

On the other hand, the countries with higher GDP per capita were Libya ($6.17k), Cape Verde ($4.85k), Tunisia ($3.98k), Morocco ($3.77k), and Djibouti ($3.55k).

Finally, the biggest exporters of CEN-SAD were Nigeria ($61B), Egypt ($51.1B), Morocco ($49.2B), Libya ($35.4B), and Ghana ($27.1B).

GDP per capita v/s ECI for countries that comprise Community of Sahel-Saharan States (2023)

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