Overview This page contains the latest trade data of Yarn, nylon, polyamide, single >50 turn/m, not retail. In 2023, Yarn, nylon, polyamide, single >50 turn/m, not retail were the world's 4235th most traded product, with a total trade of $67M. Between 2022 and 2023 the exports of Yarn, nylon, polyamide, single >50 turn/m, not retail decreased by -29.2%, from $94.7M to $67M. Trade in Yarn, nylon, polyamide, single >50 turn/m, not retail represent 0.0003% of total world trade.
Yarn, nylon, polyamide, single >50 turn/m, not retail are a part of Non-Retail Synthetic Filament Yarn.
Exports In 2023 the top exporters of Yarn, nylon, polyamide, single >50 turn/m, not retail were China ($16.7M), Chinese Taipei ($8.19M), Italy ($5.76M), India ($4.92M), and Slovakia ($4.78M).
Imports In 2023 the top importers of Yarn, nylon, polyamide, single >50 turn/m, not retail were India ($4.72M), Vietnam ($4.4M), China ($4.11M), Germany ($4M), and Italy ($3.94M).
Ranking Yarn, nylon, polyamide, single >50 turn/m, not retail ranks 1278th in the Product Complexity Index (PCI).
Description Yarn: Used in weaving and knitting Nylon: Used in sewing polyamide: Used in sewing and rifle slings Single 50 turn/m: Used in weaving What is the difference between nylon and polyamide? Nylon and polyamide are similar.