Overview This page contains the latest trade data of Turntables with automatic record changing mechanism. In 2019, Turntables with automatic record changing mechanism were the world's 4733rd most traded product, with a total trade of $230. Between 2018 and 2019 the exports of Turntables with automatic record changing mechanism decreased by -98.1%, from $12.1k to $230. Trade in Turntables with automatic record changing mechanism represent 1.2e-9% of total world trade.
Turntables with automatic record changing mechanism are a part of Sound Recording Equipment.
Exports In 2019 the top exporters of Turntables with automatic record changing mechanism were Indonesia ($230).
Imports In 2019 the top importers of Turntables with automatic record changing mechanism were Timor-Leste ($230).
Ranking Turntables with automatic record changing mechanism ranks 2181st in the Product Complexity Index (PCI).