Overview This page contains the latest trade data of Tin Plating. In 2018, Tin Plating were the world's 1218th most traded product, with a total trade of $2.22M. Between 2017 and 2018 the exports of Tin Plating grew by 17.5%, from $1.89M to $2.22M. Trade in Tin Plating represent 0.000012% of total world trade.
Tin Plating are a part of Tin articles. They include Tin plates, sheets and strips, thickness > 0.2 mm.
Exports In 2018 the top exporters of Tin Plating were Netherlands ($2.18M), Trinidad and Tobago ($46.1k), and China ($615).
Imports In 2018 the top importers of Tin Plating were Barbados ($2.22M) and Timor-Leste ($615).