Overview This page contains the latest trade data of Self-adhesive Plastics. In 2023, Self-adhesive Plastics were the world's 179th most traded product, with a total trade of $24.8B. Between 2022 and 2023 the exports of Self-adhesive Plastics decreased by -7.7%, from $26.8B to $24.8B. Trade in Self-adhesive Plastics represent 0.11% of total world trade.
Self-adhesive Plastics are a part of Plastics & articles thereof. They include Self-adhesive plastic (> 20 cm wide) and Self-adhesive plastic (< 20cm wide).
Exports In 2023 the top exporters of Self-adhesive Plastics were China ($4.98B), United States ($3.65B), Germany ($2.88B), Japan ($2.51B), and South Korea ($1.39B).
Imports In 2023 the top importers of Self-adhesive Plastics were China ($2.61B), United States ($1.64B), Mexico ($1.51B), Germany ($1.41B), and France ($929M).
Ranking Self-adhesive Plastics ranks 149th in the Product Complexity Index (PCI).
Description Self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, tape, strip and other flat shapes are used in the production of food packaging, wrapping paper, packing material, and labels.