Overview This page contains the latest trade data of Parts of electro-thermic apparatus, domestic, etc. In 2023, Parts of electro-thermic apparatus, domestic, etc were the world's 794th most traded product, with a total trade of $4.6B. Between 2022 and 2023 the exports of Parts of electro-thermic apparatus, domestic, etc decreased by -10.8%, from $5.16B to $4.6B. Trade in Parts of electro-thermic apparatus, domestic, etc represent 0.02% of total world trade.
Parts of electro-thermic apparatus, domestic, etc are a part of Electric Heaters.
Exports In 2023 the top exporters of Parts of electro-thermic apparatus, domestic, etc were China ($1.8B), Germany ($452M), Italy ($356M), Mexico ($189M), and Netherlands ($118M).
Imports In 2023 the top importers of Parts of electro-thermic apparatus, domestic, etc were United States ($589M), Germany ($375M), France ($291M), Italy ($268M), and Romania ($177M).
Ranking Parts of electro-thermic apparatus, domestic, etc ranks 1971st in the Product Complexity Index (PCI).
Description An oven typically has three main sections: the cooking compartment, the insulation compartment, and the heating compartment. The cooking compartment is where food is placed, the insulation compartment is where the oven is insulated to provide a more even heat, and the heating compartment is where the heat is generated. A stove typically has four main sections: the cooking compartment, the insulation compartment, the heating compartment, and the ventilation compartment. The cooking compartment is where food is placed, the insulation compartment is where the stove is insulated to provide a more even heat, the heating compartment is where the heat is generated, and