Overview This page contains the latest trade data of Linoleum. In 2023, Linoleum were the world's 1100th most traded product, with a total trade of $300M. Between 2022 and 2023 the exports of Linoleum decreased by -0.46%, from $301M to $300M. Trade in Linoleum represent 0.0013% of total world trade.
Linoleum are a part of Coated, covered, & laminated fabrics for industrial use. They include Linoleum, Floor covering (not linoleum) with other textile base, and Floor covering (not linoleum) with felt,non-woven bas.
Exports In 2023 the top exporters of Linoleum were Netherlands ($125M), United Kingdom ($35.2M), China ($30.6M), Russia ($27.8M), and Italy ($22.4M).
Imports In 2023 the top importers of Linoleum were United States ($35.9M), Germany ($33.2M), Netherlands ($23.7M), Kazakhstan ($21.4M), and France ($19.8M).
Description Linoleum is a type of floor covering that is made from linseed oil and limestone. It's used to make things like floors, table tops, countertops, and other products. Linoleum can be cut into shapes for use in the production of furniture or other products.