Overview This page contains the latest trade data of Equipment to measure, check gas/liquid properties nes. In 2023, Equipment to measure, check gas/liquid properties nes were the world's 874th most traded product, with a total trade of $4.1B. Between 2022 and 2023 the exports of Equipment to measure, check gas/liquid properties nes grew by 9.74%, from $3.74B to $4.1B. Trade in Equipment to measure, check gas/liquid properties nes represent 0.018% of total world trade.
Equipment to measure, check gas/liquid properties nes are a part of Gas and Liquid Flow Measuring Instruments.
Exports In 2023 the top exporters of Equipment to measure, check gas/liquid properties nes were Germany ($788M), United States ($546M), Switzerland ($418M), China ($372M), and Japan ($255M).
Imports In 2023 the top importers of Equipment to measure, check gas/liquid properties nes were United States ($449M), Germany ($435M), China ($341M), France ($182M), and United Kingdom ($162M).
Ranking Equipment to measure, check gas/liquid properties nes ranks 424th in the Product Complexity Index (PCI).
Description The common uses of equipment to measure, check gas/liquid properties vary depending on the need. For example, the equipment could be used to measure a person's blood pressure, the pH of a solution, or the alcohol level in a person's blood.