
Overview In 2022 Malta was the number 127 economy in the world in terms of total exports and the number 97 in total imports.

Exports The top exports of Malta are Integrated Circuits ($1.07B), Packaged Medicaments ($530M), Refined Petroleum ($416M), Documents of title (bonds etc) and unused stamps ($263M), and Fish Fillets ($213M), exporting mostly to Germany ($576M), Italy ($316M), France ($302M), Japan ($249M), and Singapore ($239M).

Imports The top imports of Malta are Refined Petroleum ($2.96B), Passenger and Cargo Ships ($2.62B), Planes, Helicopters, and/or Spacecraft ($1.55B), Recreational Boats ($1.37B), and Integrated Circuits ($549M), importing mostly from Italy ($2.13B), China ($1.77B), South Korea ($1.77B), Germany ($1.53B), and Canada ($821M).

Location Malta borders Italy and Libya by sea.

Latest Trends

Latest Trade


The following section uses the most recent trade data from partners of Malta.

Disclaimer: data is presented based on availability and only countries that use the harmonized system are being shown.

* Trade values are converted to USD using each month's exchange rate. For December 2023 data, the exchange rate from December 30, 2023 is used.

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Latest Data


The data obtained is mirror data. The trade of countries that do not report current data can be reconstructed based on data reported by partner countries with current data available.

*All data is converted to USD using January 2020 exchange rates when data is reported in local currency.

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Historical Data

Yearly Trade

Top Export (2022)Integrated Circuits$1.07B
Top Destination (2022)Germany$576M

In 2022, Malta exported a total of $4.87B, making it the number 127 exporter in the world. During the last five reported years the exports of Malta have changed by $192M from $4.68B in 2017 to $4.87B in 2022.

The most recent exports are led by Integrated Circuits ($1.07B), Packaged Medicaments ($530M), Refined Petroleum ($416M), Documents of title (bonds etc) and unused stamps ($263M), and Fish Fillets ($213M). The most common destination for the exports of Malta are Germany ($576M), Italy ($316M), France ($302M), Japan ($249M), and Singapore ($239M).

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Exports (2022)
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Destinations (2022)
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Market Growth

Fastest Growing Export Markets (2021 - 2022)
Lebanon$117M (+ 3.04k%)
Spain$86.4M (+ 122%)
Germany$74.5M (+ 14.8%)
Fastest Growing Import Markets (2021 - 2022)
Germany$883M (+ 136%)
Canada$308M (+ 60.2%)
Greece$293M (+ 98.5%)

Total Export Growth by Market (2021 - 2022)

Potential Exports

Potential Exports

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Service Trade

Service Trade

Malta Exports Services (2020)$6.53B
Malta Imports Services (2020)$9.04B

In 2020, Malta exported $6.53B worth of services. The top services exported by Malta in 2020 were Financial services ($3.79B), Other royalties and license fees ($837M), Miscellaneous business, professional, and technical services ($788M), Air transport ($613M), and Travel ($417M).

The top services imported by Malta in 2020 were Miscellaneous business, professional, and technical services ($3.59B), Financial services ($3.08B), Other royalties and license fees ($1.29B), Sea transport ($294M), and Air transport ($248M).

Service Exports (2020)

Service Imports (2020)

Economic Complexity

Most Specialized Products by RCA Index

Malta has a high level of specialization in Documents of title (bonds etc) and unused stamps (334), Preserved Vegetables (57), Fish Fillets (33), Other Sea Vessels (28.6), and Gaskets (25.8). Specialization is measured using RCA, an index that takes the ratio between Malta observed and expected exports in each product.

Most Complex Products by PCI

Export Opportunities by Relatedness

The top export opportunities for Malta according to the relatedness index, were Hard Liquor (0.14), Beer (0.13), Gravel and Crushed Stone (0.13), Rough Wood (0.12), and Paintings (0.12). Relatedness measures the distance between a country's current exports and each product. The barchart show only products that Malta is not specialized in.

Product Space

The product space is a network connecting products that are likely to be co-exported. The product space can be used to predict future exports, since countries are more likely to start exporting products that are related to current exports. Relatedness measures the distance between a product, and all of the products a country currently specializes in.

Relatedness Space

This network shows the products most related to the production structure of Malta. These are products that tend to be co-exported with the products that Malta exports. Higher relatedness values ​​indicate greater knowledge, which predicts a greater probability of exporting that product in the future.

Relatedness Space (2022)

Diversification Frontier


The Complexity-Relatedness diagram compares the risk vs strategic value of a country's potential export oppotunities. Relatedness is predictive of the probability that a country increases its exports in a product. Complexity, is associated with higher levels of income, economic growth, less income inequality, and lower greenhouse emissions.

Diversification Frontier

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