Overview This page contains the latest international trade data for O.R. Tambo Int Airport. In November 2024 O.R. Tambo Int Airport was the number 1 in total exports and the number 2 in total imports in South Africa.
Exports In 2023, South Africa's O.r. Tambo Int Airport exported ZAR 408B, making it the 1st largest exporter out of the 48 exporters in South Africa. In 2023 the top exports of O.r. Tambo Int Airport were Palladium unwrought or in powder form (ZAR 41.6B), Rhodium unwrought or in powder form (ZAR 40.7B), Platinum unwrought or in powder form (ZAR 36.5B), Platinum in semi-manufactured forms (ZAR 35.4B), and Precious metal ores and concentrates except... (ZAR 19.9B).
Imports In 2023, South Africa's O.r. Tambo Int Airport imported ZAR 289B, making it the 2nd largest importer out of the 48 importers in South Africa. In 2023 top imports of O.r. Tambo Int Airport were Postage Stamps, Checks, Banknotes, stocks, bond... (ZAR 33.2B), Smartphones (ZAR 27.8B), Voice & Data Communication Machines (ZAR 12.8B), Semi-Manufactured Non-Monetary Gold (ZAR 12.2B), and Commodities not specified according to kind (ZAR 11.2B).