Overview This page contains the latest international trade data for Wisconsin. In November 2024 Wisconsin was the number 20 in total exports and the number 19 in total imports in United States.
Exports In 2023, United States' Wisconsin exported $27.4B, making it the 20th largest exporter out of the 53 exporters in United States. In 2023 the top exports of Wisconsin were Other Aircraft parts ($1.22B), Computer Storage Devices ($469M), Outboard motors, spark-ignition ($453M), Parts for spark-ignition engines except aircraft ($327M), and X-ray Machines for Various Uses (including... ($324M).
Imports In 2023, United States' Wisconsin imported $41.1B, making it the 19th largest importer out of the 53 importers in United States. In 2023 top imports of Wisconsin were Human vaccines and similar products ($4.02B), Medical & Scientific Instruments (n.e.s.) ($1.88B), Commodities not specified according to kind ($1.17B), Handheld Electric Tools (Excl. Saws &... ($943M), and Medicaments in Dosage (n.e.s.) ($485M).
Economic Complexity In 2023, the highest complexity exports of Wisconsin according to the product complexity index (PCI) are Papermaking Machines (1.67), Vegetable Parchment (1.57), X-Ray Equipment (1.57), Electric Soldering Equipment (1.43), Cutting Blades (1.38), Other Paper Machinery (1.32), Abrasive Powder (1.15), Spark-Ignition Engines (1.08), Enzymes (1.01), and Harvesting Machinery (1.01). PCI measures the knowledge intensity of a product by considering the knowledge intensity of its exporters.