Overview This page contains the latest international trade data for South Carolina. In November 2024 South Carolina was the number 17 in total exports and the number 16 in total imports in United States.
Exports In 2023, United States' South Carolina exported $31.5B, making it the 17th largest exporter out of the 53 exporters in United States. In 2023 the top exports of South Carolina were Other Aircraft parts ($6.33B), Medium Sized Cars ($4.33B), Large Diesel non chargeable Cars ($2.32B), Spark-ignition chargeable Cars ($2.02B), and Pneumatic Tyres for Construction & Mining... ($1.14B).
Imports In 2023, United States' South Carolina imported $55.6B, making it the 16th largest importer out of the 53 importers in United States. In 2023 top imports of South Carolina were Uranium (enriched U235), plutonium compounds, alloys ($2.1B), Engines, spark-ignition reciprocating, over 1000 cc ($1.39B), Other Motor Vehicle Components ($1.15B), Transmissions for motor vehicles ($1.1B), and Commodities not specified according to kind ($977M).
Economic Complexity In 2023, the highest complexity exports of South Carolina according to the product complexity index (PCI) are Precious Metal Compounds (2.14), Silicone (1.72), Stainless Steel Wire (1.66), Tensile Testing Machines (1.6), Chemical Analysis Instruments (1.54), Valves (1.47), Halides (1.43), Liquid Pumps (1.42), Cutting Blades (1.38), and Liquid Fuel Furnaces (1.26). PCI measures the knowledge intensity of a product by considering the knowledge intensity of its exporters.