Overview This page contains the latest international trade data for Ontario Intl Airport, CA. In November 2024 Ontario Intl Airport, CA was the number 155 in total exports and the number 168 in total imports in United States.
Exports In 2023, United States' Ontario Intl Airport, Ca exported $192M, making it the 155th largest exporter out of the 385 exporters in United States. In 2023 the top exports of Ontario Intl Airport, Ca were Miscellaneous aircraft parts ($142M), Gain, /distortion and crosstalk meters, etc ($4.33M), Processor-Controller Integrated Circuits ($3.77M), Other Aircraft parts ($3.37M), and Memory Integrated Circuits ($2.95M).
Imports In 2023, United States' Ontario Intl Airport, Ca imported $80.1M, making it the 168th largest importer out of the 385 importers in United States. In 2023 top imports of Ontario Intl Airport, Ca were Parts & Accessories for Data Processing... ($106M), Voice & Data Communication Machines ($60.8M), Smartphones ($54.8M), Video Game Consoles & Machines ($46M), and Portable Computers under 10kg with Keyboard... ($19.7M).