Overview This page contains the latest international trade data for Oakland, CA. In November 2024 Oakland, CA was the number 30 in total exports and the number 27 in total imports in United States.
Exports In 2023, United States' Oakland, Ca exported $20.2B, making it the 30th largest exporter out of the 385 exporters in United States. In 2023 the top exports of Oakland, Ca were Fresh/Chilled Boneless Beef Cuts ($2.36B), Shelled Almonds ($2.08B), Almonds with Shell ($963M), Other Fresh/Chilled Pork Cuts ($832M), and Frozen Boneless Beef Cuts ($741M).
Imports In 2023, United States' Oakland, Ca imported $32.1B, making it the 27th largest importer out of the 385 importers in United States. In 2023 top imports of Oakland, Ca were Lithium-Ion Batteries ($3.66B), Small Sized Cars ($1.47B), Parts of electric accumulators, including separators ($1.01B), Voice & Data Communication Machines ($753M), and Unroasted Coffee (Non-Decaffeinated) ($633M).