Port in undefined


Overview This page contains the latest international trade data for Bwi International Airport, MD. In November 2024 Bwi International Airport, MD was the number 143 in total exports and the number 191 in total imports in N/A.

Exports In 2023, undefined's Bwi International Airport, Md exported $404M, making it the 143rd largest exporter out of the 385 exporters in undefined. In 2023 the top exports of Bwi International Airport, Md were Aircraft parts for aeroplanes, helicopters, and... ($86.2M), Munitions of war, ammunition/projectiles and parts ($68.4M), Commodities not specified according to kind ($19.3M), Fixed-Wing Aircraft (>15,000 kg Unladen Weight) ($10M), and Helicopters of an unladen weight >... ($9.06M).

Imports In 2023, undefined's Bwi International Airport, Md imported $134M, making it the 191st largest importer out of the 385 importers in undefined. In 2023 top imports of Bwi International Airport, Md were Parts of turbo-jet or turbo-propeller engines ($81.7M), Parts & Accessories for Data Processing... ($8M), Fresh/Chilled Fish Fillets (Bregmacerotidae, etc.) ($4.53M), Beauty, makeup and suntan preparations nes ($4.39M), and Infant foods of cereals, flour, starch... ($4.25M).

Historical Data

Yearly Exports

Top Destination (2023)Egypt$99.6M

In 2023 the top export destinations of Bwi International Airport, Md were Egypt ($99.6M), Poland ($31.4M), Switzerland ($28.1M), United Kingdom ($16M), and Argentina ($15M).

In 2023 the top exports of Bwi International Airport, Md were Aircraft parts for aeroplanes, helicopters, and... ($86.2M), Munitions of war, ammunition/projectiles and parts ($68.4M), Commodities not specified according to kind ($19.3M), Fixed-Wing Aircraft (>15,000 kg Unladen Weight) ($10M), and Helicopters of an unladen weight >... ($9.06M).

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Exports Dynamics

Fastest Growing Exports Destination (Nov 2023 - Nov 2024)
Japan $4.32M (3.44k%)
Australia $1.04M (1.87k%)
Iraq $318k (0%)
Rapidly Declining Export Origins (Nov 2023 - Nov 2024)
Egypt -$5.67M (-62.7%)
Turkey -$2.09M (-88.2%)
Pakistan -$1.52M (-100%)

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Yearly Imports

Top Origin (2023)Japan$83.5M

In 2023 the top import origins of Bwi International Airport, Md were Japan ($83.5M), United Kingdom ($17.2M), Chinese Taipei ($8.8M), Germany ($6.81M), and India ($6.02M).

In 2023 the top imports of Bwi International Airport, Md were Parts of turbo-jet or turbo-propeller engines ($81.7M), Parts & Accessories for Data Processing... ($8M), Fresh/Chilled Fish Fillets (Bregmacerotidae, etc.) ($4.53M), Beauty, makeup and suntan preparations nes ($4.39M), and Infant foods of cereals, flour, starch... ($4.25M).

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Imports Dynamics

Fastest Growing Import Origins (Nov 2023 - Nov 2024)
Italy $1.72M (512%)
Austria $681k (2.66k%)
Switzerland $423k (3.42k%)
Rapidly Declining Import Origins (Nov 2023 - Nov 2024)
Japan -$3.87M (-41.2%)
United Kingdom -$1.13M (-85.4%)
Sweden -$617k (-96.8%)

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