Overview This page contains the latest international trade data for REPUBLIC OF BASHKORTOSTAN. In January 2022 REPUBLIC OF BASHKORTOSTAN was the number 27 in total exports and the number 30 in total imports in Russia.
Exports In 2021, Russia's Republic Of Bashkortostan exported $188M, making it the 27th largest exporter out of the 85 exporters in Russia. In 2021 the top exports of Republic Of Bashkortostan were Turbo-jet engines of a thrust >... ($773M), Petroleum spirit for motor vehicles ($569M), Light petroleum distillates nes ($522M), Sunflower-seed or safflower oil, crude ($195M), and Acrylic acid esters ($101M).
Imports In 2021, Russia's Republic Of Bashkortostan imported $64.1M, making it the 30th largest importer out of the 85 importers in Russia. In 2021 top imports of Republic Of Bashkortostan were Beer made from malt ($54.7M), Other plastic sheets ($30.9M), Commodities not specified according to kind ($26.8M), Combined refrigerator-freezers, two door ($23.9M), and Immunological Products Packings for Retail Sale ($22.8M).
Economic Complexity In 2021, the highest complexity exports of Republic Of Bashkortostan according to the product complexity index (PCI) are Phenols (1.24), Unsaturated Acyclic Monocarboxylic Acids (1), Gas Turbines (1), Reaction and Catalytic Products (0.86), Synthetic Rubber (0.74), Vinyl Chloride Polymers (0.66), Glass Mirrors (0.66), Wood Pulp Lyes (0.59), Acyclic Hydrocarbons (0.56), and Cyclic Hydrocarbons (0.47). PCI measures the knowledge intensity of a product by considering the knowledge intensity of its exporters.