
Overview This page contains the latest international trade data for FAR EAST FEDERAL DISTRICT. In January 2022 FAR EAST FEDERAL DISTRICT was the number 6 in total exports and the number 6 in total imports in Russia.

Exports In 2021, Russia's Far East Federal District exported $2.56B, making it the 6th largest exporter out of the 8 exporters in Russia. In 2021 the top exports of Far East Federal District were Crude Petroleum Oils ($7.11B), Diamonds (jewellery) unworked or simply sawn,... ($3.3B), Bituminous coal, not agglomerated ($3.22B), Liquefied Natural Gas ($2.53B), and Live/Fresh/Chilled Crabs (In/Out of Shell) ($922M).

Imports In 2021, Russia's Far East Federal District imported $945M, making it the 6th largest importer out of the 8 importers in Russia. In 2021 top imports of Far East Federal District were Tankers ($447M), For passenger carrying vehicles ($443M), Portable Computers under 10kg with Keyboard... ($409M), Wireless & Cellular Phones ($375M), and Precious metal ores and concentrates except... ($358M).

Economic Complexity In 2021, the highest complexity exports of Far East Federal District according to the product complexity index (PCI) are Peat (0.54), Oats (-0.059), Kraft Paper (-0.084), Fuel Wood (-0.38), Aluminium Powder (-0.4), Electricity (-0.41), Scrap Iron (-0.66), Semi-Finished Iron (-0.71), Boron (-0.87), and Veneer Sheets (-0.88). PCI measures the knowledge intensity of a product by considering the knowledge intensity of its exporters.

Historical Data

Yearly Exports

Top Destination (2021)South Korea$9.03B
Top Product (2021)Crude Petroleum Oils$7.11B

In 2021 the top export destinations of Far East Federal District were South Korea ($9.03B), China ($8.87B), Japan ($4.01B), Belgium ($1.55B), and United Arab Emirates ($1.07B).

In 2021 the top exports of Far East Federal District were Crude Petroleum Oils ($7.11B), Diamonds (jewellery) unworked or simply sawn,... ($3.3B), Bituminous coal, not agglomerated ($3.22B), Liquefied Natural Gas ($2.53B), and Live/Fresh/Chilled Crabs (In/Out of Shell) ($922M).

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Exports (2021)
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Destinations (2021)
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Exports Dynamics

Fastest Growing Exports Destination (Jan 2021 - Jan 2022)
South Korea $414M (86.7%)
China $286M (67.9%)
Japan $246M (300%)
Rapidly Declining Export Origins (Jan 2021 - Jan 2022)
United Arab Emirates -$64.3M (-50.4%)
Vietnam -$5.64M (-66.3%)
Switzerland -$2.39M (-44.5%)

Export Destinations of FAR EAST FEDERAL DISTRICT (Jan 2021 - Jan 2022)

Yearly Imports

Top Origin (2021)China$5.15B
Top Import (2021)Tankers$447M

In 2021 the top import origins of Far East Federal District were China ($5.15B), South Korea ($1.33B), Japan ($1.26B), Kazakhstan ($378M), and United States ($323M).

In 2021 the top imports of Far East Federal District were Tankers ($447M), For passenger carrying vehicles ($443M), Portable Computers under 10kg with Keyboard... ($409M), Wireless & Cellular Phones ($375M), and Precious metal ores and concentrates except... ($358M).

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Imports (2021)
[Click to Select a Product]

Origins (2021)
[Click to Select a Country]

Imports Dynamics

Fastest Growing Import Origins (Jan 2021 - Jan 2022)
China $171M (55.4%)
Turkey $104M (3.42k%)
Kazakhstan $28.7M (242%)
Rapidly Declining Import Origins (Jan 2021 - Jan 2022)
United States -$7.29M (-27.7%)
Finland -$5.05M (-83.7%)
Unknown -$3.42M (-70.5%)

Import Origins of FAR EAST FEDERAL DISTRICT (Jan 2021 - Jan 2022)

Economic Complexity

Economic Complexity of Far East Federal District

Economic Complexity (2021)-1.16

Far East Federal District ranks 8th out of the 8 districts in Russia according to ECI.

The Economic Complexity Index, or ECI, is a measure of an economy’s capacity which can be inferred from data connecting locations to the activities that are present in them. For more info about Economic Complexity, visit the Economic Complexity page.

Estimated using exports data.

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ECI comparison Russia between districts (2021)

Economic Complexity Ranking


The economic complexity of a territory can change year to year. Far East Federal District it is in position 8th considering its ECI in the last year.

Discover Economic Complexity

ECI Rank by District

Export Opportunities by Relatedness

The top export opportunities according to the relatedness level, without considering those products were Far East Federal District already has a comparative advantage, are led by Cobalt (0.073), Gold (0.072), Uranium and Thorium Ore (0.07), Wool (0.066), and Bran (0.064).

Most Complex Products by PCI

The highest complexity exports of Far East Federal District according to the product complexity index (PCI) are Peat (0.54), Oats (-0.059), Kraft Paper (-0.084), Fuel Wood (-0.38), Aluminium Powder (-0.4), Electricity (-0.41), Scrap Iron (-0.66), Semi-Finished Iron (-0.71), Boron (-0.87), and Veneer Sheets (-0.88). PCI measures the knowledge intensity of a product by considering the knowledge intensity of its exporters.

Most Specialized Products by RCA Index

The most specialized products according to the RCA index are led by Non-fillet Frozen Fish (57.97), Lignite (57.09), Other Ores (47.48), Crustaceans (42.88), and Boron (36.92).

Product Space

The product space is a network connecting products that are likely to be co-exported. The product space can be used to predict future exports, since Far East Federal District is more likely to start exporting products that are related to current exports. Relatedness measures the distance between a product, and all of the products it is currently specialized in.

Relatedness Space

This network shows the products most related to the production structure of  Far East Federal District. These are products that tend to be co-exported with the products that Far East Federal District exports. Higher relatedness values ​​indicate greater knowledge, which predicts a greater probability of exporting that product in the future.

Diversification Frontier


The Complexity-Relatedness diagram compares the risk and the strategic value of a territory's potential export oppotunities. Relatedness is a predictive of the probability that a country increases its exports in a product. Complexity, is associated with higher levels of income, economic growth, less income inequality, and lower emissions. Bubble size corresponds to exports value by year 2020.

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