Overview This page contains the latest international trade data for FAR EAST FEDERAL DISTRICT. In January 2022 FAR EAST FEDERAL DISTRICT was the number 6 in total exports and the number 6 in total imports in Russia.
Exports In 2021, Russia's Far East Federal District exported $2.56B, making it the 6th largest exporter out of the 8 exporters in Russia. In 2021 the top exports of Far East Federal District were Crude Petroleum Oils ($7.11B), Diamonds (jewellery) unworked or simply sawn,... ($3.3B), Bituminous coal, not agglomerated ($3.22B), Liquefied Natural Gas ($2.53B), and Live/Fresh/Chilled Crabs (In/Out of Shell) ($922M).
Imports In 2021, Russia's Far East Federal District imported $945M, making it the 6th largest importer out of the 8 importers in Russia. In 2021 top imports of Far East Federal District were Tankers ($447M), For passenger carrying vehicles ($443M), Portable Computers under 10kg with Keyboard... ($409M), Wireless & Cellular Phones ($375M), and Precious metal ores and concentrates except... ($358M).
Economic Complexity In 2021, the highest complexity exports of Far East Federal District according to the product complexity index (PCI) are Peat (0.54), Oats (-0.059), Kraft Paper (-0.084), Fuel Wood (-0.38), Aluminium Powder (-0.4), Electricity (-0.41), Scrap Iron (-0.66), Semi-Finished Iron (-0.71), Boron (-0.87), and Veneer Sheets (-0.88). PCI measures the knowledge intensity of a product by considering the knowledge intensity of its exporters.