Region in Portugal

Exports (Jun 2024)€2.23B1 of 7
Imports (Jun 2024)€1.92B2 of 7


Overview This page contains the latest international trade data for North. In 2023 North was the number 1 in total exports (of a total of 7 regions) and the number 2 in total imports (of a total of 7 regions) in Portugal.

Exports In 2023, North exported €27.1B, making it the 1st largest exporter out of the 7 regions in Portugal. In 2023 the most exported products in monetary terms were Cars, tractors, trucks & parts thereof. (€2.58B), Electrical machinery and electronics (€2.12B), Knitted clothing accesories (€2.08B), and Machinery, mechanical appliances, & parts (€1.76B).

Imports In 2023, North imported €24B, making it the 2nd largest importer out of the 7 regions in Portugal. In 2023 the main imported products in monetary terms were Electrical machinery and electronics (€2.91B), Machinery, mechanical appliances, & parts (€2.34B), Cars, tractors, trucks & parts thereof. (€2.09B), and Plastics & articles thereof (€1.67B).


Trade Balance


In 2023, North's exports amounted to €27.1B, while imports reached an amount of €24B. As a result, the trade balance resulted in a surplus of €3.06B.

The graph shows the annual evolution of the net trade value by products in North. Those products with a positive balance are net exporters (the value of their exports exceeds imports). On the contrary, products with a negative balance are net importers (the value of imports exceeds exports). The line represents the trade balance for each year.

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Yearly Trade

Time Scale

In 2023 the top exports of North were Cars, tractors, trucks & parts thereof. (€2.58B), Electrical machinery and electronics (€2.12B), Knitted clothing accesories (€2.08B), and Machinery, mechanical appliances, & parts (€1.76B).

In 2023 the top imports of North were Electrical machinery and electronics (€2.91B), Machinery, mechanical appliances, & parts (€2.34B), Cars, tractors, trucks & parts thereof. (€2.09B), and Plastics & articles thereof (€1.67B).

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Product Share

Time Scale

In 2023, the most relevant exports of North were Textiles (€4.41B, equivalent to 16.3% of total imports) and Machines (€3.88B, equivalent to 14.3% of total imports).

In 2023, the most relevant imports of North were Machines (€5.26B, equivalent to 21.9% of total imports) and Metals (€3.09B, equivalent to 12.9% of total imports).

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