
Overview This page contains the latest international trade data for Italia Nord-orientale. In Third Quarter 2024 Italia Nord-orientale was the number 2 in total exports and the number 2 in total imports in Italy.

Exports In 2023, Italy's Italia Nord-orientale exported $175B, making it the 2nd largest exporter out of the 6 exporters in Italy. In 2023 the top exports of Italia Nord-orientale were Machinery and equipment nec (€33.3B), Food products (€13.5B), Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (€11.8B), Electrical equipment and non-electrical household equipment (€11.5B), and Metallurgy products (€10.4B).

Imports In 2023, Italy's Italia Nord-orientale imported $135B, making it the 2nd largest importer out of the 6 importers in Italy. In 2023 top imports of Italia Nord-orientale were Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (€14.1B), Food products (€12B), Metallurgy products (€11.3B), Chemicals (€9.4B), and Machinery and equipment nec (€8.49B).

Historical Data

Yearly Exports

Top Destination (2023)Germany€27.1B
Top Product (2023)Machinery and equipment nec€33.3B

In 2023 the top export destinations of Italia Nord-orientale were Germany (€27.1B), United States (€21.3B), Spain (€9.33B), United Kingdom (€8.96B), and Poland (€6.8B).

In 2023 the top exports of Italia Nord-orientale were Machinery and equipment nec (€33.3B), Food products (€13.5B), Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (€11.8B), Electrical equipment and non-electrical household equipment (€11.5B), and Metallurgy products (€10.4B).

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Exports (2023)
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Destinations (2023)
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Exports Dynamics

Fastest Growing Exports Destination (Q3 2023 - Q3 2024)
Greece €89M (17.7%)
United Arab Emirates €85.1M (18.2%)
Spain €79.4M (3.66%)
Rapidly Declining Export Origins (Q3 2023 - Q3 2024)
United States -€877M (-15.2%)
Germany -€158M (-2.48%)
China -€117M (-11.3%)

Export Destinations of Italia Nord-orientale (Q3 2023 - Q3 2024)

Yearly Imports

Top Origin (2023)Germany€25.9B
Top Import (2023)Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers€14.1B

In 2023 the top import origins of Italia Nord-orientale were Germany (€25.9B), China (€11.1B), Netherlands (€7.69B), Spain (€7.41B), and Austria (€5.97B).

In 2023 the top imports of Italia Nord-orientale were Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (€14.1B), Food products (€12B), Metallurgy products (€11.3B), Chemicals (€9.4B), and Machinery and equipment nec (€8.49B).

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Imports (2023)
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Origins (2023)
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Imports Dynamics

Fastest Growing Import Origins (Q3 2023 - Q3 2024)
Germany €267M (4.45%)
China €254M (8.96%)
Saudi Arabia €160M (110%)
Rapidly Declining Import Origins (Q3 2023 - Q3 2024)
Indonesia -€303M (-34.4%)
Romania -€113M (-11.8%)
Ireland -€86.3M (-39.3%)

Import Origins of Italia Nord-orientale (Q3 2023 - Q3 2024)

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