Overview This page contains the latest international trade data for Italia Nord-occidentale. In Third Quarter 2024 Italia Nord-occidentale was the number 1 in total exports and the number 1 in total imports in Italy.
Overview In Third Quarter 2024 Italia Nord-occidentale exported $48B and imported $50.1B, resulting in a negative trade balance of $2.11B. Between Third Quarter 2023 and Third Quarter 2024 the exports of Italia Nord-occidentale have decreased by $-126M (-0.26%) from $48.1B to $48B, while imports increased by $582M (1.17%) from $49.5B to $50.1B.
Trade In Third Quarter 2024, the top exports of Italia Nord-occidentale were Machinery and equipment nec (€8.44B), Chemicals (€4.89B), Metallurgy products (€3.56B), Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (€3.2B), and Food products (€3.1B). In Third Quarter 2024 the top imports of Italia Nord-occidentale were Computer and electronic and optical products;... (€5.52B), Chemicals (€5.47B), Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (€4.79B), Metallurgy products (€4.74B), and Machinery and equipment nec (€4.46B).
Destinations In Third Quarter 2024, Italia Nord-occidentale exported mostly to Germany (€6.78B), United States (€4.54B), Spain (€3.51B), Switzerland (€3.12B), and United Kingdom (€2.25B), and imported mostly from Germany (€9.45B), China (€5.99B), Netherlands (€4.83B), Spain (€3.26B), and Belgium (€2.37B).
Growth In Third Quarter 2024, the decrease in Italia Nord-occidentale's year-by-year exports was explained primarily by an decrease in exports to United States (€-764M or -14.4%), Germany (€-238M or -3.4%), and Turkey (€-204M or -15.5%), and product exports decrease in Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (€-616M or -16.2%), Other means of transport (€-295M or -17.9%), and Coke and products derived from petroleum... (€-104M or -22.3%). In Third Quarter 2024, the increase in Italia Nord-occidentale's year-by-year imports was explained primarily by an increase in imports from China ($675M or 12.7%), Netherlands ($357M or 7.99%), and Spain ($273M or 9.14%), and product imports increase in Basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations (€474M or 17.5%), Chemicals (€379M or 7.45%), and Agricultural, animal and hunting products (€265M or 22.2%).
Latest Data
This section shows exports and imports data at subnational level for Italia Nord-occidentale. Click any date in the line plot, any subnational region in the geomap, or any product, destination or origin country to explore the exports or imports behavior of Italia Nord-occidentale over time.
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