
Overview This page contains the latest international trade data for Italia Meridionale. In Third Quarter 2024 Italia Meridionale was the number 4 in total exports and the number 5 in total imports in Italy.

Exports In 2023, Italy's Italia Meridionale exported $33.2B, making it the 4th largest exporter out of the 6 exporters in Italy. In 2023 the top exports of Italia Meridionale were Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (€9.01B), Basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations (€7.76B), Food products (€6B), Chemicals (€1.56B), and Agricultural, animal and hunting products (€1.56B).

Imports In 2023, Italy's Italia Meridionale imported $39.6B, making it the 5th largest importer out of the 6 importers in Italy. In 2023 top imports of Italia Meridionale were Chemicals (€7.31B), Food products (€3.74B), Metallurgy products (€3.67B), Agricultural, animal and hunting products (€2.84B), and Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (€2.76B).

Historical Data

Yearly Exports

Top Destination (2023)Germany€6.37B
Top Product (2023)Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers€9.01B

In 2023 the top export destinations of Italia Meridionale were Germany (€6.37B), United States (€6.18B), Switzerland (€5.96B), Spain (€2.64B), and United Kingdom (€2.41B).

In 2023 the top exports of Italia Meridionale were Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (€9.01B), Basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations (€7.76B), Food products (€6B), Chemicals (€1.56B), and Agricultural, animal and hunting products (€1.56B).

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Exports (2023)
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Destinations (2023)
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Exports Dynamics

Fastest Growing Exports Destination (N/A - N/A)
Switzerland €244M (16.4%)
Brazil €41.5M (39.3%)
Saudi Arabia €39.3M (87.2%)
Rapidly Declining Export Origins (N/A - N/A)
United States -€478M (-31.8%)
Germany -€254M (-15.9%)
United Kingdom -€146M (-24.1%)

Export Destinations of Italia Meridionale (Q3 2023 - Q3 2024)

Yearly Imports

Top Origin (2023)China€7.54B
Top Import (2023)Chemicals€7.31B

In 2023 the top import origins of Italia Meridionale were China (€7.54B), Germany (€4.42B), Spain (€3.15B), Switzerland (€3.03B), and United States (€1.84B).

In 2023 the top imports of Italia Meridionale were Chemicals (€7.31B), Food products (€3.74B), Metallurgy products (€3.67B), Agricultural, animal and hunting products (€2.84B), and Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (€2.76B).

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Imports (NaN)
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Origins (NaN)
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Imports Dynamics

Fastest Growing Import Origins (N/A - N/A)
China €1.18B (73.1%)
Bulgaria €152M (99.7%)
Kazakhstan €55.4M (38.6%)
Rapidly Declining Import Origins (N/A - N/A)
Switzerland -€992M (-78.1%)
Turkey -€99.6M (-26.7%)
Greece -€91.1M (-35%)

Import Origins of Italia Meridionale (N/A - N/A)

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