Overview This page contains the latest international trade data for Italia Insulare. In Third Quarter 2024 Italia Insulare was the number 5 in total exports and the number 6 in total imports in Italy.
Overview In Third Quarter 2024 Italia Insulare exported $3.95B and imported $5.88B, resulting in a negative trade balance of $1.93B. Between Third Quarter 2023 and Third Quarter 2024 the exports of Italia Insulare have decreased by $-852M (-17.7%) from $4.8B to $3.95B, while imports decreased by $-1.75B (-22.9%) from $7.62B to $5.88B.
Trade In Third Quarter 2024, the top exports of Italia Insulare were Coke and products derived from petroleum... (€2.68B), Computer and electronic and optical products;... (€249M), Chemicals (€248M), Food products (€171M), and Electrical equipment and non-electrical household equipment (€121M). In Third Quarter 2024 the top imports of Italia Insulare were Crude oil and natural gas (€4.38B), Food products (€227M), Coke and products derived from petroleum... (€186M), Chemicals (€160M), and Agricultural, animal and hunting products (€146M).
Destinations In Third Quarter 2024, Italia Insulare exported mostly to Gibraltar (€494M), Spain (€402M), Libya (€381M), United States (€301M), and Croatia (€217M), and imported mostly from Libya (€962M), Azerbaijan (€746M), United States (€586M), Kazakhstan (€561M), and Germany (€349M).
Growth In Third Quarter 2024, the decrease in Italia Insulare's year-by-year exports was explained primarily by an decrease in exports to Gibraltar (€-309M or -38.4%), United States (€-254M or -45.8%), and Lebanon (€-141M or -68.1%), and product exports decrease in Coke and products derived from petroleum... (€-983M or -26.8%), Electrical equipment and non-electrical household equipment (€-17M or -12.4%), and Basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations (€-16.6M or -35%). In Third Quarter 2024, the decrease in Italia Insulare's year-by-year imports was explained primarily by an decrease in imports from United States ($-751M or -56.2%), Azerbaijan ($-529M or -41.5%), and Saudi Arabia ($-278M or -61.1%), and product imports decrease in Crude oil and natural gas (€-1.52B or -25.7%), Coke and products derived from petroleum... (€-174M or -48.3%), and Machinery and equipment nec (€-107M or -64.1%).
Latest Data
This section shows exports and imports data at subnational level for Italia Insulare. Click any date in the line plot, any subnational region in the geomap, or any product, destination or origin country to explore the exports or imports behavior of Italia Insulare over time.
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