Overview This page contains the latest international trade data for Undefined. In November 2024 Undefined was the number 0 in total exports and the number 0 in total imports in United Kingdom.
Exports In 2023, United Kingdom's Undefined exported £18.8B, making it the 0th largest exporter out of the 125 exporters in United Kingdom. In 2023 the top exports of Undefined were Commodities not specified according to kind (£7.49B), Medicaments in Dosage (n.e.s.) (£2.16B), Munitions of war, ammunition/projectiles and parts (£954M), Radar apparatus (£457M), and Milk (1%-6% Fat) (£279M).
Imports In 2023, United Kingdom's Undefined imported £54.4B, making it the 0th largest importer out of the 125 importers in United Kingdom. In 2023 top imports of Undefined were Commodities not specified according to kind (£11.9B), Crude Petroleum Oils (£8.07B), Light petroleum distillates nes (£4.9B), Smartphones (£4.63B), and Spark-ignition non chargeable Cars (£3B).