Overview This page contains the latest international trade data for Jiangxi Province. In December 2024 Jiangxi Province was the number 20 in total exports and the number 20 in total imports in China.
Exports In 2024, China's Jiangxi Province exported $76.8B, making it the 20th largest exporter out of the 31 exporters in China. In 2024 the top exports of Jiangxi Province were OLED flat screen modules, interactive ($4.42B), Photosensitive devices; assembled photovoltaic modules/panels ($3.09B), Smartphones ($2.13B), Portable Computers under 10kg with Keyboard... ($1.92B), and Voice & Data Communication Machines ($1.78B).
Imports In 2024, China's Jiangxi Province imported $24.5B, making it the 20th largest importer out of the 31 importers in China. In 2024 top imports of Jiangxi Province were OLED flat screen modules, interactive ($3.23B), Copper ores and concentrates ($2.29B), Other Integrated Circuits (n.e.c.) ($2.16B), Processor-Controller Integrated Circuits ($1.19B), and Mineral substances, nes ($1.19B).
Economic Complexity In 2024, the highest complexity exports of Jiangxi Province according to the product complexity index (PCI) are Interchangeable Tool Parts (1.9), Hand Saws (1.78), Drafting Tools (1.77), Blank Audio Media (1.76), Silicone (1.76), Phosphoric Esters and Salts (1.68), Cermets (1.62), Signaling Glassware (1.6), Vegetable Parchment (1.6), and Tool Plates (1.58). PCI measures the knowledge intensity of a product by considering the knowledge intensity of its exporters.