Overview This page contains the latest international trade data for Quilicura. In November 2024 Quilicura was the number 11 in total exports and the number 3 in total imports in Chile.
Exports In 2023, Chile's Quilicura exported $936M, making it the 11th largest exporter out of the 262 exporters in Chile. In 2023 the top exports of Quilicura were Commodities not specified according to kind ($310M), Wire of refined copper > 6mm... ($129M), Small Sized Cars ($24.7M), Parts for mineral sort, screen, mix,... ($22.6M), and Parts of boring or sinking machinery ($21.9M).
Imports In 2023, Chile's Quilicura imported $7.58B, making it the 3rd largest importer out of the 262 importers in Chile. In 2023 top imports of Quilicura were Fresh/Chilled Boneless Beef Cuts ($680M), Parts for Cranes, Work Trucks &... ($441M), Other Motor Vehicle Components ($201M), Iron/Steel Bolts & Screws (n.e.s., w/... ($181M), and Buckets, shovels, grabs etc for excavating... ($171M).