Overview This page contains the latest international trade data for Tarija. In November 2024 Tarija was the number 4 in total exports and the number 4 in total imports in Bolivia.
Exports In 2023, Bolivia's Tarija exported $1.65B, making it the 4th largest exporter out of the 9 exporters in Bolivia. In 2023 the top exports of Tarija were Natural gas, in the gaseous state ($1.13B), Gaseous hydrocarbons, liquefied, n.e.s. ($22.5M), Electric current ($5.56M), Acyclic hydrocarbons ($4.29M), and Soya bean oil and its fractions ($3.68M).
Imports In 2023, Bolivia's Tarija imported $1.46B, making it the 4th largest importer out of the 9 importers in Bolivia. In 2023 top imports of Tarija were Motor spirit (gasoline) and other light... ($498M), Gas oils ($493M), Petroleum oils and oils obtained from... ($37.8M), Sports footwear ($27.6M), and Chemical products and preparations, n.e.s. ($21.7M).