Overview This page contains the latest trade data of Yarn, synth filament, single untwisted nes, not retai. In 2023, Yarn, synth filament, single untwisted nes, not retai were the world's 2282nd most traded product, with a total trade of $856M. Between 2022 and 2023 the exports of Yarn, synth filament, single untwisted nes, not retai decreased by -12.7%, from $981M to $856M. Trade in Yarn, synth filament, single untwisted nes, not retai represent 0.0038% of total world trade.
Yarn, synth filament, single untwisted nes, not retai are a part of Non-Retail Synthetic Filament Yarn.
Exports In 2023 the top exporters of Yarn, synth filament, single untwisted nes, not retai were China ($222M), Japan ($175M), United States ($89.6M), Netherlands ($77.9M), and United Arab Emirates ($31.5M).
Imports In 2023 the top importers of Yarn, synth filament, single untwisted nes, not retai were South Korea ($85.7M), Germany ($82.6M), China ($47.4M), United States ($44.3M), and France ($42.8M).
Ranking Yarn, synth filament, single untwisted nes, not retai ranks 2729th in the Product Complexity Index (PCI).
Description Yarn is a long strand of spun yarn, often pulled from a skein. Synth filament is a thin, flexible sheet of material that is easily cut and can be welded together, and is often used to print 3D objects. Single untwisted refers to the fact that the filament is not twisted together, which can result in a lower quality product.