Overview This page contains the latest trade data of Wire for fencing, including barbed wire. In 2023, Wire for fencing, including barbed wire were the world's 3401st most traded product, with a total trade of $279M. Between 2022 and 2023 the exports of Wire for fencing, including barbed wire decreased by -17.5%, from $338M to $279M. Trade in Wire for fencing, including barbed wire represent 0.0012% of total world trade.
Wire for fencing, including barbed wire are a part of Barbed Wire.
Exports In 2023 the top exporters of Wire for fencing, including barbed wire were China ($121M), Mexico ($20.4M), Turkey ($16M), Guatemala ($12.9M), and Spain ($9.36M).
Imports In 2023 the top importers of Wire for fencing, including barbed wire were United States ($17.7M), Spain ($13.9M), Honduras ($12.7M), Nicaragua ($10.4M), and Iraq ($9.97M).
Ranking Wire for fencing, including barbed wire ranks 4308th in the Product Complexity Index (PCI).
Description Wire is used for fences to contain animals, to support plants, to repel birds, and to protect crops. Barbed wire is used by ranchers to protect grazing land.