Overview This page contains the latest trade data of Peptones, proteins and derivatives, nes, hide powder. In 2022, Peptones, proteins and derivatives, nes, hide powder were the world's 763rd most traded product, with a total trade of $4.98B. Between 2021 and 2022 the exports of Peptones, proteins and derivatives, nes, hide powder grew by 17.7%, from $4.23B to $4.98B. Trade in Peptones, proteins and derivatives, nes, hide powder represent 0.021% of total world trade.
Peptones, proteins and derivatives, nes, hide powder are a part of Peptones.
Exports In 2022 the top exporters of Peptones, proteins and derivatives, nes, hide powder were China ($931M), United States ($753M), France ($376M), Denmark ($373M), and Germany ($331M).
Imports In 2022 the top importers of Peptones, proteins and derivatives, nes, hide powder were United States ($777M), Netherlands ($514M), Germany ($442M), Japan ($283M), and China ($227M).
Ranking Peptones, proteins and derivatives, nes, hide powder ranks 1592nd in the Product Complexity Index (PCI).
Description Peptones are used for protein hydrolysis. Protein hydrolysis is the breaking down of proteins into their amino acids. Proteins are used to make food, so if peptones are used for protein hydrolysis, they will be used to break down the protein. The amino acids from the food will be then used to make food. Proteins can also be used to make glue and hair products, like shampoo. Proteins can also be used as a medicine for sick people.