Overview This page contains the latest trade data of Parts of fork-lift etc trucks. In 2023, Parts of fork-lift etc trucks were the world's 492nd most traded product, with a total trade of $7.6B. Between 2022 and 2023 the exports of Parts of fork-lift etc trucks grew by 2.4%, from $7.42B to $7.6B. Trade in Parts of fork-lift etc trucks represent 0.034% of total world trade.
Parts of fork-lift etc trucks are a part of Excavation Machinery.
Exports In 2023 the top exporters of Parts of fork-lift etc trucks were China ($1.34B), Germany ($1.11B), Italy ($711M), Belgium ($468M), and Mexico ($398M).
Imports In 2023 the top importers of Parts of fork-lift etc trucks were United States ($1.85B), Germany ($809M), France ($616M), Italy ($332M), and Netherlands ($276M).
Ranking Parts of fork-lift etc trucks ranks 778th in the Product Complexity Index (PCI).
Description The common uses of parts of fork-lifts, etc. trucks include transporting items with the help of the forklift, transporting items with the help of the forklift, transporting items with the help of the forklift, transporting items with the help of the forklift, transporting items with the help of the forklift, transporting items with the help of the forklift, transporting items with the help of the forklift, transporting items with the help of the forklift, transporting items with the help of the forklift, transporting items with the help of the forklift, transporting items with