Overview This page contains the latest trade data of Mens, boys suits, of material nes, not knit. In 2023, Mens, boys suits, of material nes, not knit were the world's 3140th most traded product, with a total trade of $371M. Between 2022 and 2023 the exports of Mens, boys suits, of material nes, not knit grew by 2.6%, from $362M to $371M. Trade in Mens, boys suits, of material nes, not knit represent 0.0016% of total world trade.
Mens, boys suits, of material nes, not knit are a part of Non-Knit Men's Suits.
Exports In 2023 the top exporters of Mens, boys suits, of material nes, not knit were China ($64.5M), Turkey ($60.5M), Italy ($48.9M), India ($23.3M), and France ($19M).
Imports In 2023 the top importers of Mens, boys suits, of material nes, not knit were Italy ($56.1M), United States ($28.6M), Germany ($18.4M), United Kingdom ($13.9M), and France ($13.8M).
Ranking Mens, boys suits, of material nes, not knit ranks 4058th in the Product Complexity Index (PCI).
Description A suit is a type of garment, typically in a fitted style, consisting of a jacket and trousers, or a skirt. In British English, a suit is called a suit, while in American English, a suit is called a suit. In American English, a suit is often referred to as a business suit.