Overview This page contains the latest trade data of Floor, wall, ceiling cover, roll, tile, vinyl chlorid. In 2022, Floor, wall, ceiling cover, roll, tile, vinyl chlorid were the world's 298th most traded product, with a total trade of $12.7B. Between 2021 and 2022 the exports of Floor, wall, ceiling cover, roll, tile, vinyl chlorid grew by 4.2%, from $12.2B to $12.7B. Trade in Floor, wall, ceiling cover, roll, tile, vinyl chlorid represent 0.054% of total world trade.
Floor, wall, ceiling cover, roll, tile, vinyl chlorid are a part of Plastic Floor Coverings.
Exports In 2022 the top exporters of Floor, wall, ceiling cover, roll, tile, vinyl chlorid were China ($6.83B), Vietnam ($1.15B), South Korea ($889M), Belgium ($778M), and Germany ($363M).
Imports In 2022 the top importers of Floor, wall, ceiling cover, roll, tile, vinyl chlorid were United States ($5.48B), Germany ($764M), Canada ($690M), France ($488M), and United Kingdom ($459M).
Ranking Floor, wall, ceiling cover, roll, tile, vinyl chlorid ranks 1619th in the Product Complexity Index (PCI).
Description Floor coverings are typically what people think of when they think of coverings for the floor. It can be either put on top of the floor, or on top of a sub-floor. It can be a carpet, a rug, or a piece of linoleum. Wall coverings are more common in higher end houses where the walls are wood paneling, and not painted. Wall coverings can be a wallpaper, a painted area, or a paper. Ceiling coverings can be a sheet of drywall, or a sheet of plywood. A roll is a