Overview This page contains the latest trade data of Dredgers. In 2023, Dredgers were the world's 1679th most traded product, with a total trade of $1.51B. Between 2022 and 2023 the exports of Dredgers decreased by -24.7%, from $2B to $1.51B. Trade in Dredgers represent 0.0067% of total world trade.
Dredgers are a part of Special Purpose Ships.
Exports In 2023 the top exporters of Dredgers were Netherlands ($312M), India ($283M), Singapore ($242M), China ($198M), and Bahamas ($87.5M).
Imports In 2023 the top importers of Dredgers were India ($248M), Philippines ($242M), Singapore ($103M), Oman ($93.1M), and United States ($91.1M).
Ranking Dredgers ranks 4390th in the Product Complexity Index (PCI).
Description Dredgers are used to remove sand and mud from the bottom of rivers, harbors, and bays. Dredgers are also used to remove sediment from the bottom of lakes and reservoirs. The sediment is often used as construction aggregate.