Overview This page contains the latest trade data of Dies for drawing or extruding metal. In 2022, Dies for drawing or extruding metal were the world's 2411th most traded product, with a total trade of $824M. Between 2021 and 2022 the exports of Dies for drawing or extruding metal decreased by -7.75%, from $893M to $824M. Trade in Dies for drawing or extruding metal represent 0.0035% of total world trade.
Dies for drawing or extruding metal are a part of Interchangeable Tool Parts.
Exports In 2022 the top exporters of Dies for drawing or extruding metal were Italy ($128M), China ($111M), United States ($69.7M), Thailand ($61.3M), and Germany ($61.2M).
Imports In 2022 the top importers of Dies for drawing or extruding metal were United States ($89.9M), Germany ($55.4M), Thailand ($52.2M), China ($43.8M), and Spain ($42.4M).
Ranking Dies for drawing or extruding metal ranks 877th in the Product Complexity Index (PCI).
Description Drawing is a manufacturing process in which a metal is pulled through a die opening to produce a desired shape. Extrusion is a process in which molten metal is forced through a die opening to produce a desired shape.