Overview This page contains the latest trade data of Copper Plating. In 2023, Copper Plating were the world's 370th most traded product, with a total trade of $9.75B. Between 2022 and 2023 the exports of Copper Plating decreased by -15%, from $11.5B to $9.75B. Trade in Copper Plating represent 0.043% of total world trade.
Copper Plating are a part of Copper articles. They include Plate, sheet, strip, refined copper, coil, t > 0.15mm, Plate/sheet/strip, copper-zinc alloy, coil,t > 0.15mm, Plate, sheet, strip, refined copper, flat, t > 0.15mm, Plate, sheet, strip, copper alloy nes, t > 0.15mm, Plate/sheet/strip, copper-tin alloy, coil, t > 0.15mm, Plate, sheet, strip, Copper nickel alloys, t > 0.15mm, Plate/sheet/strip, copper-zinc alloy, flat, t > 0.15m, and Plate/sheet/strip, copper-tin alloy, flat, > t >0.15m.
Exports In 2023 the top exporters of Copper Plating were Germany ($2.45B), Japan ($1.24B), China ($1.04B), South Korea ($698M), and Bulgaria ($561M).
Imports In 2023 the top importers of Copper Plating were China ($933M), United States ($884M), Italy ($773M), Germany ($606M), and France ($601M).
Ranking Copper Plating ranks 449th in the Product Complexity Index (PCI).
Description Copper is used in the production of electrical wiring, plumbing pipes, and other products. Copper plates are used to make electrical wiring and plumbing pipes. Expanded sheet copper is a type of copper that has been flattened out into a thin sheet. It's used in the production of electrical wiring and plumbing pipes. Electrically insulated strip copper is a type of copper that has been made with an insulating layer on one side. It's used in the production of electrical wiring and plumbing pipes.