Overview This page contains the latest trade data of Chain parts, articulated link, iron or steel. In 2023, Chain parts, articulated link, iron or steel were the world's 2909th most traded product, with a total trade of $474M. Between 2022 and 2023 the exports of Chain parts, articulated link, iron or steel decreased by -6.65%, from $508M to $474M. Trade in Chain parts, articulated link, iron or steel represent 0.0021% of total world trade.
Chain parts, articulated link, iron or steel are a part of Iron Chains.
Exports In 2023 the top exporters of Chain parts, articulated link, iron or steel were China ($118M), Germany ($82.5M), Japan ($75.5M), United States ($41.4M), and Chinese Taipei ($31M).
Imports In 2023 the top importers of Chain parts, articulated link, iron or steel were United States ($73M), Mexico ($45.5M), China ($31.9M), Germany ($29.9M), and Thailand ($22.1M).
Ranking Chain parts, articulated link, iron or steel ranks 90th in the Product Complexity Index (PCI).
Description The chain is made of a series of links, which move up and down on pins. The links are connected by a rivet. The pins and rivet are located on the ends of the links rather than in the middle, so that the chain doesn't wear out in the middle. The chain links are connected by an articulated link, which is a rigid link with a hole in one end and a rivet on the other end. The iron or steel used in the chain are strong enough to take the weight of the chain.