Number of shipments4.72k2024
Shipments (growth MoM)-38.95%-222
Most common originIndia1.01k shipments
Most common importHigh-voltage Protection Equipment626 shipments
Primary shipperOther2.41k shipments


Over the last year, ABB Motors and Mechanical reported a total of 4.72k shipments, becoming the number 40 importer in 2024. Compared to the previous year's 5.24k shipments, this represents a decrease of -520 or -0.099%.

The most common origins of shipments for ABB Motors and Mechanical were India (1.01k), Italy (881), Germany (845), Finland (744), and China (690). This highlights the geographical diversity of its sourcing strategy.

The main shippers to ABB Motors and Mechanical were Other (2.41k), Abb S P A (596), Abb Oy (311), Krislur Castomech Pvt Ltd (219), and Mahadev Ferro Cast Pvt Ltd (154), indicating the key logistics partners in its supply chain.

The top products imported by ABB Motors and Mechanical were High-voltage Protection Equipment (626), Electrical Transformers (305), Casting Machines (301), Electrical Power Accessories (234), and Electric Motor Parts (214), showcasing the variety in its import portfolio.

What does ABB Motors and Mechanical Import?

Our Bill of Lading data is presented through four informative visualizations. "Products Showcased" details the range and volume of items imported. "Countries of Origin" uncovers the extent of the global import network. "Shippers" focuses on the primary logistic partners, while "Destination States" illustrates the geographical spread of shipments within the receiving country. Each visualization is designed to offer distinct insights into the shipping operations and global reach of the company.

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